Preserving the night sky on the North Fork
A passionate group of local volunteers aims to curb light pollution in Southold Town. Awareness is the key to success and they want their neighbors to know anyone can make a difference.

Steven Bellavia Captures Video of Potentially Hazardous Asteroid
Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 7482 1994 PC1 comes into Earth’s orbit every 570 days and is over 1 kilometer in diameter!
Suffolk Times: Dark sky group seeks funds for public outreach initiative
The North Fork Dark Sky Coalition is looking for new ways to educate residents about how to prevent light pollution.

Northforker: The night sky is one of the North Fork’s most beautiful – and endangered – natural resources
The night sky is one of the North Fork’s most beautiful – and endangered – natural resources

A Trip to Darker Skies
Using a Sky Quality Meter (SQM), telescope, and camera Steven Bellavia has performed a quantitative comparison of the sky darkness/brightness in Southold versus Big Indian New York.

The Benefits of Protecting the Dark Sky
Coalition leader Debbie O’Kane featured in the Suffolk Times. Check out her Guest Spot on the importance of a dark night sky!
A clear dark sky has been a source of wonder and a source of guidance for humans throughout history. Stone Age paintings show a keen interest in the night sky and a complex understanding of astronomy…

East End Beacon Viewpoint: Look Up for Dark Sky Week
East End Beacon Viewpoints: Look up for International Dark Sky Week. As a kid growing up in the hills of Connecticut, I once heard about the belief that the night stars were our ancestors and loved ones looking down on us, and that image has stayed with me to this day. I also now realize how lucky I was to live in a place where peering into the Milky Way, figuring out the constellations, setting up telescopes, searching for satellites and hoping to see Skylab were just regular parts of growing up.

Get Out There!
Take a second on the way in from your car after a long day at work to glance at the sky…

The North Fork is Changing
Over the past 5 years the North Fork has been rapidly changing, leading to more nighttime lights…